今年的报税截止日期是 2024年4月15日,超过这个日期仍然可以提交税表并支付欠税,但因为已经过了报税截止日期,所以您晚报税有可能产生少量的罚款和利息,这部分金额是交表之后,税务局再另行计算并且通知征收的,不在Tax Panda 报税的服务之内。根据IRS官网信息,这部分罚款或者利息数额是按月累计,金额大约是未交税额的0.5%-5%/month 的区间。晚报税征收的罚款和利息不会对您的其他记录产生影响。
The tax filing deadline for tax year 2023 is April 15, 2024, after which you can still submit the tax return and pay the tax due. However, because the tax filing deadline has passed, you may incur a certain amount of penalty and interest. The tax bureau will calculate and notify you to collect this amount after you submit the tax return. The estimation of penalty and interest are not included in the service you are going to engage with us. According to the IRS instruction, the amount of this penalty or interest is accumulated on a monthly basis, and the amount is about 0.5% to 5% of the unpaid tax per month. The penalty and interest levied on the late filing will have no effect on your other records.
State tax requirement will be similar to the federal, but because each state has different state tax requirement, we will process according to your specific situation.
如果有收入但漏报了,税务局同样允许您补交往年税表。Tax Panda专业的CPA可以一次性帮您补报之前遗漏有收入期间的所有税表,合规履行报税义务,让您无后顾之忧。